Healthcare’s State of Benefits

The people side of healthcare includes more than just the patients. American Healthcare Leader spotlights leaders who are taking care of their own workforce, from better benefits and elevated HR initiatives to mentoring the next generation of healthcare leaders.

“We’ve been able to restructure our healthcare delivery without passing costs to our employees through things such as increased deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. So often, these are the actions healthcare leaders have to take to manage expenses.”

Bill Moore

“Maintaining a strong work/life balance is critical to keeping yourself happy and productive, but it’s just as important to the well-being of those around you.”

Deep Malik

“Many people undervalue the experience that they can gain in a different area, even if it’s only for a short time.”

Tom Brown


Managing Editor Navpreet Dhillon

Art Director Anastasia Andronachi

Photo Manager & Video Director Cass Davis

Photo Editor Sarah Joyce

Web Development Jose Reinaldo Montoya

Photos: Photos: Michael Leonardo (Moore), Courtesy of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana (Cacho), Courtesy of Deep Malik (Malik), Studio 35 Photography (Emory), Christine Brown/Hormel Foods (Brown), Courtesy of Fanny Sheumaker (Sheumaker), Michael Girard (Thome)