
Issued by: American Healthcare Leader

Beyond the Counter

American Healthcare Leader explores the pharmaceutical and medicine industry through the eyes of six leaders who are advancing their companies while increasing population health.

Qty: 6 Leaders

Date: April 2024

“Cost should never be the reason someone can’t receive the treatment they need. Doing my part in helping to bring accessible and affordable therapies and products to market that are accessible and affordable to patients—that part is the most rewarding part of what I do.”

Ahmad Aboelezz
Vice President, US General Counsel & Head of Legal

“As often the only Black woman in the room, I have to ask the questions that might not otherwise get asked.”

Dawn Stewart Harris
Assistant General Counsel
Bayer Pharmaceuticals

“People are looking for an ethical relationship and they’re tired of being taken advantage of.”

Eric Cannon
Chief Pharmacy Officer
Select Health


Managing Editor: Navpreet Dhillon

Art Direction: Anastasia Andronachi

Photo Manager & Video Director: Cass Davis

Web Development: Jose Reinaldo Montoya


Timothy Brown (Allison), Eljay Aguillo (Aboelezz), Olga Kolleeny (Stewart Harris), Michael Justice (Mark), Mark Mosrie (Khanna), Brian Persinger (Karpinski)